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This research aims to explore the experiences of patients experiencing long covid syndrome. Qualitative research method using thematic analysis techniques. The results of this study showed that 5 Partisipants experienced changes in health with general symptoms of fatigue, loss of smell and taste, difficulty breathing, fast heartbeat, hormonal disorders and high anxiety, namely 2 people experienced mild symptoms, two people experienced moderate symptoms and 1 person experienced symptoms which is heavy, with a long Covid period of 1 month to 1 year 6 months. Partisipants with comorbid asthma and hypertension experienced a longer recovery. Further initiation at home by community health center officers, one of whom received a referral from outside the area. Recommendations and implications of the results require health monitoring and rehabilitation for complete recovery.


Experience; Long Covid-19; Syndrome

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How to Cite
De Fretes, E., & S. Potabuga, I. (2023). Pengalaman Penyintas Covid-19 dengan Sindrom Long Covid. Jurnal Keperawatan, 8(2), 114-127.


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