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Knowledge about reproductive health can be obtained from several sources of
information. Starting from parents, friends, teachers, to mass media including social media, and others. In today's era, many teenagers use social media to explore, seek information. Knowledge is needed to prevent youth from risky sexual behavior, as well as increase their access to prevention tools. This study used a cross-sectional analytic approach. The reachable population in this study was all 100 adolescents aged 16-24 years in SMA Kota Bekasi. The sampling technique is proportional random sampling. The results of the study showed that adolescents' knowledge of risky sexual behavior averaged a score of 11. This indicated that out of the 14 questions given by adolescents, 11 of them were able to answer correctly. Adolescent girls have a higher knowledge score than male adolescents (p = 0.0023). There are differences in adolescent knowledge scores based on sources of information (p=0.002). Information sources from parents and health workers have a higher average knowledge score than those from friends/social media.


knowledge risk sexual behaviour resources

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