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Background: Adulthood is the peak phase of human physical growth and the phase where a person is ready to enter society. Changes in lifestyle cause an increase in cases of non-communicable diseases. The increase in non-communicable diseases that often occur is hypertension. Hypertension is a major problem in world health. Aerobic low impact exercise is effective in lowering blood pressure. Lack of physical activity can increase the risk of hypertension. The heart muscle in inactive people will work harder when contracting because the heart rate frequency in inactive people tends to be higher. The more often the heart muscle receives a heavy load when pumping, the greater the pressure in the arteries, which affects the increase in blood pressure. Aerobic exercise is effective in lowering blood pressure in adults with hypertension. Objective: The effect of low impact aerobic exercise on blood pressure in adults with hypertension in Jati Melati Village. Method: The design of this study used a Quasi Experimental Design with a Pretest - Posttest with Control Group which was conducted at Jatimelati Village . The sampling technique was carried out by Purposive Sampling, blood pressure measurement using a Sphymomanometer with a sample size of 24 respondents, namely 12 respondents in the treatment group were given Aerobic Low Impact Exercise which was carried out 3 times a week with a duration of 40 minutes for 4 weeks, 12 respondents in the control group were not given treatment. Results: The difference test carried out using the Independent Sample T-Test obtained a p-value of 0.000 (systolic BP) and 0.003 (diastolic BP) which means there is a significant difference in the two groups. Conclusion: Aerobic low impact exercise significantly affects the decrease of blood pressure in adults with hypertension.