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Breathing Exercise is a method of breathing in a certain way to improve and enhance the
performance of respiratory system, especially lungs. It turns out that if we do well and
regular breathing can stabilize blood pressure and improve respiration.In the elderly often
suffer respiratory problems due to the elderly decreased organ function, especially lung.
This study aims to demonstrate the effect of breathing exercise on quality of life in elderly.
The population in this study is the senior citizens who live in Elderly Nursing Ria Development,
East Jakarta Cibubur.The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. This is a quasiexperimental
study with pre-post test approach design. In this study before the first intervention
examined quality of life.After the intervention was also carried out a similar investigation.
Variable quality of life are examined blood pressure, respiration rate, pulse, Barthel index
and VO2max. Before and after the examination results are then compared. By using
parametric paired t test analysis produced t value of 0.505 and the Sign of 0.618, while the
value t table 1.70. The value of t is greater than t table. It can be concluded that the breathing
exercise does not affect the quality of life of the elderly


breathing exercise, quality of life , the elderly

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How to Cite
Hermansyah, H., Lina, R., & Aminoto, T. (2015). PENGARUH BREATHING EXERCISE TERHADAP KUALITAS HIDUP LANJUT USIA DI PANTI WERDHA RIA PEMBANGUNAN. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kesehatan, 2(2), 57-64. Retrieved from


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