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Plants of Lidah mertua ( sansevieria trifasciata prain) can be used to treat diseases such as
influenza, cough, inflammation of the respiratory tract, sprain, hit wound, rattlesnake bite, ulcers,
and abscess .The leaves of Lidah mertuacontain saponin, and other compounds such as abamagenin
, kardenolin , and polifenol .The purpose of this research is to determine the level of saponin
on the leaf extractof Lidah mertua, typesansevieria trifasciata prain var .Laurentiiusinggravimetric
method. .This was a descriptive research conducted in the farmakognosi laboratory of
Pharmaceutical Major ofPoltekkes Kemenkes Manado. The sample of Lidah mertua leaves
(sansevieria trifasciata prain Laurentii variant) was obtained from Pineleng Minahasa village.
The determination of saponin levelof Lidah mertua extract leaves was conducted by extracting
theLidah mertua leaves using reflux with methanol solvent. Then the extract wasfractionationed
with a solvent successively with petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, n-Butanol. The n-Butanol extract
was evaporated and dissolved with methanol and saponin, then precipitated with dietyl ether.
The saponin precipitation was determined gravimetrivelly. Result of study showed that Lidah
mertua leaves, typesansevieria trifasciata prain var .Laurentii contained saponin with concentration
of 3.1258%. It is suggested that there will be further research to define the type of saponin
contained in Lidah mertua leaves(Sansevieria trifasciata Prain var. Laurentii).


Lidah mertua, Saponin level, Gravimetri

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How to Cite
Mien, D., Carolin, W., & Firhani, P. (2015). PENETAPAN KADAR SAPONIN PADA EKSTRAK DAUN LIDAH MERTUA (Sansevieria trifasciata Prain varietas S. Laurentii) SECARA GRAVIMETRI. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kesehatan, 2(2), 65-69. Retrieved from


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