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Water with high concentration of iron (Fe) or mangan (Mn) is not clean, easily change its
color into brownish, and smelly. Household water for drinking, bathing, and washing should
meet requirement mentioned in the Regulation of Ministry of Health number 416
Menkes/Per/IX/1990 and 492Menkes/Per/IV/2010. It is said that maximum iron concentration
permitted for clean water is 1 mg/l (Kepmenkes), while for drinking water is 0,3 mg/l .
Thisresearch aims to analyze the iron concentration of the wells water fromHuma Akasia
Housing Complex, Jatiwarna Pondok Melati, Bekasi. The sample was dry season water
from 119 wells in4 blocks area. The iron wasanalyzed through atomic absorption
spectrophotometric (AAS), followed by correlation test. The research found that the average
of iron concentration was 0.217 mg/l, with minimum was 0.10 mg/l, and maximum was 3.68
mg/l. There are 16 wells (13.4 %) contain iron concentration that do not meet government
requirement for clean water. The correlation test between iron concentration and the wells
depth found P value was 0.018 with correlation value was 0.228. Therefore, for alpha 0.05
can be concluded that deeper wells produce a higher iron concentration in its water. High
iron concentration is resulted from the well with more than 30 metres in depth.


Fe, well, AAS

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How to Cite
Mujianto, B., Purwanti, A., & Rismini, S. (2015). KANDUNGAN BESI AIR SUMUR DI PERUMAHAN HUMA AKASIA JATIWARNA - PONDOK MELATI, BEKASI. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kesehatan, 2(2), 21-25. Retrieved from


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