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Data base of Dinkes Sukabumi year 2013shows that delivery process attended by health
professional is 59,70% from total delivery in West Java. This research aims to identify the
correlation between mothers characteristic andtheir choice to give birth with health
practitioner or other care giver, in the Ginanjar village, Sukabumi. This research is
quantitative approach with the use of cross-sectional design. The sample are92 mothers
who gave birth between January and December 2013. The results shows that the number
of mothers give birth assisted by a shaman is 42%. This study proves the existence of a
relationship between education mothers, occupation mothers, ANC examination history and
the choice ofbirth attendant with p value < 0.05. Mutivariate analysis shows that ANC
examination history is thedominant factor, which influence mothers choice with OR 5,784.
Conclusion: the number of deliveries attended by shamans is high. Promoting health
practitioners attendance in deliveries is required. There is a need to collaborate and share
role amonghealth workers, cadres, shamans and communityto safedelivery.


Birth attendant and characteristic mothers

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How to Cite
Karningsih, K., Mardiana, M., & Therssia, T. (2015). KARAKTERISTIK IBU BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN PEMILIHAN TENAGA PENOLONG PERSALINAN. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kesehatan, 2(2), 41-47. Retrieved from


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