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The use of hormonal contraception is a popular form of contraception in the community.
This study aimed to determine the relationship between the use of DMPA injection contraceptive
method and sexual dysfunction among injections acceptors.The method of this study is a
cross sectional with univariate, bivariate and multivariate analisys. The sample was 104
syringe family planning acceptors who meet the inclusion criteria. The results shows that
there are 49 mothers apply DMPA method and 55 mothers remain use other method.As
many as 55.8% of women have applied family planning program ? 24 months, 50% of
mothers are multiparous ,and 50% others are primiparous. 57 respondents are aged 20-
30 years. The use of DMPA method among total 104 respondents is 48.1%,, and there are
32 women experience sexual dysfunction or sexual disorders. The results of statistical tests
shows that age and the duration of contraception use ? 24 months is associated with sexual
dysfunction in women. Types of contraception, contraception history used before and parity
was not associated with sexual dysfunction.The conclusion of this study is that there is the
influence between length of the use of contraception and maternal age on the incidence of
sexual dysfunction. The longer mothers use DMPA contraception, the higher their risk of
sexual dysfunction.


Sexual dysfunction, family planning, injection, DMPA.

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How to Cite
Batlajery, J., Hamidah, H., & Mardiana, M. (2015). PENGGUNAAN METODE KONTRASEPSI SUNTIKAN DMPA BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN DISFUNGSI SEKSUAL WANITA PADA AKSEPTOR KB SUNTIK. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kesehatan, 2(2), 49-56. Retrieved from


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